I started dancing with Becca 8 or so years ago, and I'm lucky to still be coaching dance with her! She celebrated her big 21st birthday a couple weeks ago and I wanted to make her cake extra special. Her boyfriend is overseas right now in the military and couldn't be here for her birthday, so I made sure he had some input in her birthday :)

I sent him a couple of pictures of cakes that Becca may like, and he picked out this one. He also reminded me that she LOVES godiva chocolate. So becca's cake was chocolate cake with godiva chocolate chips, and cookies and cream buttercream. it was delicious!!

We danced together for 6 years, so we spent close to 6 straight years together, seeing each other probably more than our own families! Especially over the last few years, we have gotten much closer and so have our families. She's become one of my very best friends...she's fabulous! :) I never would've thought it when we first met each other because becca is SOO outgoing and bubbly and crazy, and well I'm pretty much the opposite. But she helps me branch out!

I'm so happy to have you around Albert :) Love you bunches and can't wait to celebrate together this week for my bday!!