Sunday, December 12, 2010

and 8 years later

So Julie is now a good friend, but has been my boss, and before that, my 6th grade teacher. I also babysit her kiddies, Maddie and Luke after school. I wish I had pictures of them to put up because they're too stinkin' cute and sweet!! Anyway, this weekend they celebrated her youngest daughter's, Lauren, 2nd birthday and congratulated Maddie on her First Reconciliation.

When I got her cake out of the box,

She just wanted to stare at it and touch it, and she kept saying "pity, pity" (pretty) Lauren is such a little lady, so Julie just said anything with Pink will work for her cake. Here is a side view:
Maddie had her Reconciliation on Saturday morning, the day of her party. She is a great big sister and just great little girl in general, so of course she only had to say 1 Hail Mary for her absolution. ;) Julie asked me to do a little cake for her as well. It turned out very sweet, just like Maddie girl.
8 years after she taught me, Julie, and her husband George, are trusting me with their babies...uh oh! just kidding ;) And my Luke story for that day: He answered the door: "What are youuuu doing here?" he didn't know I was coming. And then he continued to ask: "what's on your eyes? Did you get your hair dyed?" clearly the kid is used to me lookin' like a scrub with no make up on and my hair up in a pony tail. He's a crazy goof, but such a comedian. Thanks Vaughn and Brauntz families for letting me spend the party day with you! Happy Birthday, Laur Laur and Congrats Maddie girl!!
love, sarah

Monday, December 6, 2010

"...the ladies at work..."

"The ladies at work_________________" is a common phrase in our household. So, one of the ladies at work asked me to do a cake for her daughter Beth's 30th Birthday. Donna said that Beth loved penguins, so I got to my research of penguin images.
It was a great weekend to be working on this cake because while it looked like this outside:
I was working on this polar penguin cake inside:

It was quite the task to string-pipe all of this cake, but it turned out ADORABLE. It's certainly made my list of favorites! :) Hope Beth had a great birthday!!