Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

My mom and dad both were allowed to bring in treats to work today for Halloween. So I threw this cute little bat cake together with a cake we've had frozen for awhile. My mom brought this one to work.
My dad also asked me to make a cake for his work Halloween celebration. I really liked the piping on the bottom of this cake. I usually do simple shells, but these are kind of swirls. It was new for me, but cute!
I thought this cake came out really cute as well! even though my spiders were a little bit unproportional :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Zebra Cakes?

So I'm not really enjoying "sweets by sarah" as a business name. I don't make anything but cakes, so it's just not working out for my liking. When I was talking to my friend, Kaitlyn, she was asking about what my first cake was, and then asked about if I had a name for my miniature business. And I told her my blog has a name but that's it. My first cake was the zebra print cake I did for Merg for her 19th birthday, and so I'm thinking of calling it Zebra Cakes.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"thank you, thank you very much"

Side view of the Elvis cake
My mom's co-worker, Tina, said she found me just in time. She was looking for someone to make an Elvis cake for one of her family member's 40th birthday. It was going to be quite the challenge to essentially "sketch" Elvis in the cake. But it turned out better than anticipated! I hope Sandy was able to put on her Blue Suede Shoes and have a great party! :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Slow October

So I have no neat pictures to post because October has been slow with orders. BUT today I had my first "cake consultation/cake tasting" for Melissa and Kevin. Melissa is one of my good friend's sister, and she and Kevin are getting married in March of 2011. And they were kind enough to ask me to possibly do their wedding cake! So today they came over for a tasting and idea-throwing session. I'll keep their details a surprise until their wedding, but we definitely got everything picked out. I prepared homemade cakes: red velvet (Kevin's favorite), chocolate with buttercream icing, chocolate with raspberry filling and chocolate buttercream icing, white cake with buttercream icing, white cake with cream cheese icing, and chocolate cake with buttercream icing and fondant. Last night was definitely a cake marathon, but it was fun and Melissa & Kevin picked some great flavors, and had some great ideas!
Check back in March sometime to see all the details and how my first wedding cake turns out! :)